Joshua Tomsik Music


M E C My debut album. I often get asked what it stands for. A lot. It has 5 meanings. More importantly is the album is a story. It is a story of a journey through the cosmos. One real and one imagined. So close your eyes, jump in your spaceship and witness the birth […]


This song is about the rippling of sunlight off ocean waves, it is about the beat of the butterflies wings, the falling of a leaf in the wind and the palpitations of the heart. It is the indescribable feeling of experiencing all of those things at once. I purposefully used another language (Aleteo means flutter […]


I’ve tried yoga, or breathing, or long walks and I still enjoy them. However, I’ve found that to observe consciousness in its raw state and to be mindful of the present, sitting at the piano is maybe my best avenue to have a conversation with the universe. Many of these songs were actually improvisations using […]


This is a cover of the song by Karin Borg. To be honest, I don’t really do covers. But this song is one I find playing in my head often year after year and captivated me from the moment I first heard it. So I decided to sit down, close my eyes and see where […]

The Quarantine Projects

This album was completely unplanned…and then COVID-19 hit. Each weekend for about 10 weeks I tried to write and record a song to capture the ups and downs, the hopes and fears, the moments of peace and the moments of anxiety until suddenly there they were: ten pieces now bundled as my quarantine projects. Link […]


This project explores the “What Ifs” of life. What if we could turn back time? What if we could take a different path? The first song mimics the passage of time but highlights that time is fluid…and if fluid, what about reversible? If reversible then what happens to all the joys and all the regrets? […]

Song of the Qairulik

The earth is a tiny blue ball floating through the vastness of space. It is fragile. It is full of delicate ecosystems. This song is dedicated to the harp seal pups who are struggling given the changes in their world. What is their fate? Can we help them? I hope so, because they really are […]

Love in the Time of Covid

This song was written over Valentine’s Day weekend 2022. I had contracted COVID-19 and was in isolation from my wife and family. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us rethink many aspects of life over the past 2 years…this song is an exploration of what it means to love in a time of masks, social distancing, […]

hymne au lapin

A new single coming April 2023. In celebration of the Year of the Rabbit and Easter, this is a ‘hymn’ to the miracle of life and the wonders of nature.